

Several boat ramps closed due to dry conditions in Boise River Basin

Several boat ramps closed on Boise River Basin

Several boat ramps on the Boise River Basin will be closed due dry conditions, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced Wednesday.

Due to low water conditions in 2022, ramps at Robie Creek Park, Macks Creek Park, and half of Barclay Bay will be closed. Ramps at Turner Gulch and the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation Springs Shore Marina are planned to be open. Seasonal snowpack in the Boise River Basin is 85% of the median as of April 27, the Natural Resources Conservation Service announced.

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"The water supply in 2021 was lower than normal, making 2022 the second consecutive low water year. Carryover in the system from 2021 was lower than average and the dry year and numerous constraints on the system will make Lucky Peak difficult to fill," according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said in order to maximize the amount of available water, Lucky Peak will target below normal "lake full" conditions but will gradually fill throughout May.

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Boaters who are used to lake full conditions are encouraged to use caution when recreating on the water due to the adjusted water levels. On-the-water fueling and marine sanitation service at Spring Shores will still be available, but popular beach areas will be far from water.