BOISE, Idaho — If you have ever been to the Idaho Potato Drop you have probably seen the OS Crew. They are the ones that build the jump with a flat lead up that requires a wench to tow them into the jump.
"Yeah absolutely, the Urban Air contest on New Year’s Eve is super unique," said Justin "Juice" Kennedy.

The rest of the year the Onslaught Crew traveled around Idaho, the Midwest and Washington. However, they weren't going to the mountains, they were looking for features to ride in an urban setting. It's called street skiing.
"It is taking terrain park features like jumps and rails that you would see on a mountain or at X Games and trying to find those in an urban setting," said Juice. "We move all the snow ourselves and do all the building ourselves."

This Friday the OS crew will show off their creativity with their new film Magneticat the Egyptian Theater on Friday with two screenings one at 6:30 and the other at 9:00 p.m.
"One way to describe it is if we are driving down the road if we see something we use our imagination and think that would be sick," said Juice. "We are the type of guys that move the snow and make it happen."

The film will feature some really impressive tricks including big wall rides, rail grinds, flips and spins. However, Magnetic will also show the struggle by showcasing the crashes.
"Sometimes we try again, and again and again to get the clip that we want and that we are stoked on," said Juice.

The screening will also include Sun Valley's Karl Fostvedt's film Brapski 3 that will focus on backcountry skiing and the use of snowmobiles. The event will have free gear giveaways, contests and a raffle as Bogus Basin and Tamarack will give away free passes.
Magnetic marks the eighth film by the OS Crew, we highlighted their film Electric last year. Justin Kennedy and his brother Mason grew up skiing at Bogus Basin and watching ski movies at the Egyptian Theater when they were kids.

"Those videos inspired us to pursue skiing to the level where we can be the ones putting videos up on the screen and getting kids to pursue their passions," said Juice. "So to be able to create an event that brings our hometown community together is super special."