More smoke made it into the Treasure Valley Thursday morning as Boise's AQI hit 124 in the orange category at 11 am. Since then prevailing southerly wind has diminished valley smoke and the AQI continues to drop into the green category.

As we head into Friday, clouds will increase ahead of the frontal system moving in. This will cool temperatures back down towards the 80s and bring a slight chance of showers for the West and East Central Mountains.
Saturday if you're preparing to head to the Albertsons Boise Open, I would expect to see a light shower between 4am-8am, then lots of clouds and a few passing showers possible. Pack an umbrella or a rain poncho to be on the safe side but many areas in the valley may see very little rain Saturday.
However, if you live in the West or East Central Mountains I am expecting a wetting rainfall with totals being between 0.10"-0.33". This along with much cooler temperatures should aid firefighters in fighting those wildfires. Valley temps will be unseasonably cool with highs in the low-70s at best for the coolest weather we have seen since Spring!
As we head into Sunday the valley should remain dry through most of the day but a stray afternoon shower is possible. Temperatures will be delightful on Sunday with valley highs holding in the mid-70s.