IDAHO — Idaho could soon see it's third straight year of drought after a harsh 2021 and moderate conditions in 2022.
Good snowpack conditions are helping and a wetter spring could get Idaho back on track to normal water levels. A dry January and very dry October are hurting current outlooks as snow packs are countering dry conditions.

“We didn’t get good precipitation in October and we came out of a really dry period into October, so I think the snowpack is going to get absorbed a little bit in the soils when it melts out, so it won’t be quite as efficient,” said David Hoekema, Hydrologist at Idaho Department of Water Resources.
A wet upcoming spring would put Idaho in a great spot when it comes to water conditions but current snowpack levels are already looking good to help Idaho break its streak of drought.
“I do think we are going to have an above normal snowpack. Already down in southern Idaho on Willowcreek and Black Foot the snowpack has already reached its median peak,” said Hoekema.