BOISE, Idaho — The ethics hearing for Rep. Priscilla Giddings of Whitebird has been adjourned for the day while the Committee determines how to proceed.
Two complaints were filed against Giddings, which stated her actions were "unbecoming of a legislator." Giddings testified in a House Ethics Committee hearing back in April after a former representative was accused of raping a 19-year-old Statehouse intern.
Giddings posted to her social media - an article naming the alleged victim - which landed her in the ethics hearing this morning. While she says nothing was wrong, multiple fellow lawmakers - democratic and republican - felt this was unacceptable behavior for a legislator.
The hearing room erupted in cheers as Giddings walked in to face the ethics committee.
The room is full of cheers as Rep. Giddings enters the room for her hearing. #idleg
— Nicole Camarda (@CamardaNicole) August 2, 2021
Related: Rep. von Ehlinger resigns shortly before House vote on motion to censure him
The Associated Press reports that Giddings became the subject of two ethics complaints by about two dozen lawmakers after she publicized the rape accuser’s name, photo and personal details by sharing links to a far-right news article on social media and in a newsletter to constituents.
Monday - during her opening remarks Giddings called the ethics hearing a “politically motivated attack.”
“I stand by my statement that I posted a link to a news article and that is not the same action as posting her name or a photo,” Giddings said during her opening remarks.“I believe that based on this committee's ethical inquest this year that there is nothing that I can say or do that will affect the outcome of what I believe is a predetermined verdict.”
Fellow lawmakers who were a part of the two complaints testified before the committee.
“We need to hold ourselves to that higher standard that says we are going to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth and that even though we can do something doesn’t mean it's the prudent and right thing to do,” Rep. Julie Yamamoto, R-Caldwell said.
Giddings was given 5 minutes after each testimony to come back to the hearing room to cross-examine witnesses - but she did not.
Hours later she was required to come back due to a subpoena - where she then took questions regarding the two complaints.

“This post on your Facebook page has a link to a news article, correct?” Christopher McCurdy, the attorney for the committee asked Giddings.
“I shared a hyperlink of a news story. So here again, you are trying to push words in my mouth. In my opening statement, I already said what I did, and I stand by what I did, Giddings said.
McCurdy: “Are you aware whether there was a picture of Jane Doe in that news article?”
Giddings: “At the time that I shared the hyperlink, no I was not aware of it.”
McCurdy: Did you read the article prior to posting it?”
Giddings” “I skimmed it. I did not read it thoroughly.”
Gidding says she stands by what she did - and says only “posted a hyperlink to a news story.”
Before Giddings testified, Idaho News 6 asked for comment and she declined. The committee will meet again Tuesday at 10 a.m.