

Donald Trump Jr. made an appearance in Boise at Jackson Jet Center

Trump Jr. made a stop in Boise for a fundraiser
Posted at 5:35 PM, Sep 22, 2016
and last updated 2016-09-22 19:35:25-04

During his brief trip to Boise, Trump Jr. expressed his enthusiasm for the west as he lived in Colorado after college. 

He thanked supporters of his father's campaign, but he was faced with criticism about some of his recent comments where he compared the possibility of terrorists to a bowl of potentially poisoned skittles. He said he never wanted the metaphor to be a distraction.

He stuck to the talking points, saying his father would be best for issues that affect Idahoans such as public land management.

"We want to make sure public lands stay public. I'm a big outdoorsman.  I'm a big hunter and when I lived out here, that's what I hunted on, public land, and I want to make sure the next generation has that ability to do that so we don't want to just, we want and want to encourage more involvement of the states, the people who are there. We don't want bureaucrats in D.C. deciding what happens on those lands," said Donald Trump Jr.

Illegal immigration is always a hot button issue in the gem state and the Trump camp maintains existing laws should be enforced.

"We're all for immigration, but we're all for legal immigration. I'm the son of an immigrant, my father's the son of an immigrant, but we have to be able to vet people coming into our country. We can't do it haphazardly."

Overall, Trump's message resonates well with G.O.P. voters.