Vallow Daybell Trial


Nate Eaton interviews Juror No. 8 from the Trial of Lori Vallow Daybell

The Trial of Lori Vallow Daybell:  Courtroom
Posted at 3:22 PM, May 17, 2023
and last updated 2023-05-17 17:22:22-04

originally written and published by Nate Eaton,

A man who served on the jury in Lori Vallow Daybell’s murder trial says he saw evil for the first time in his life while sitting in the courtroom with her for five weeks.

Watch the interview with Saul Hernandez here

Saul Hernandez was juror No. 8 and was assigned the seat closest to the witness stand from when the trial began on April 10 until a verdict was announced Friday afternoon. He and the 17 other jurors, including six alternates, sat directly across from Daybell.

“If there is a face to evil, it was hers,” Hernandez tells

Daybell was found guilty of killing Joshua “JJ” Vallow and Tylee Ryan. Hernandez and his fellow jurors also found her guilty of conspiracy of murder in connection to the death of Tammy Daybell, her husband’s former wife.

GALLERY | VIDEO: Watch Lori Vallow Daybell’s reaction as verdict is read

Hernandez sat down with reporter Nate Eaton for nearly an hour Wednesday morning at his Boise home to talk about his jury service, the evidence, witnesses, prosecution, defense and why he wasn’t originally convinced that Daybell killed Tylee Ryan.

Watch the interview with Saul Hernandez here.