

Wellness Wednesday: healthy back-to-school snack ideas

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BOISE, Idaho — It's back to school time, and if you're looking for easy snack ideas to help your student get back into the swing of things, we've got tips to help you fill out that menu!

Molly Tevis, a registered dietitian with Albertsons, says no matter if kids are at home or in the classroom, a healthy snack will help support their nutritional needs and give them a mental boost.

"Having snacks throughout the day is a great way to fill in those holes, especially if schedules are off or if you've got parents at home, still trying to work and teach kids and help kids, so filling in with some healthy snacks will help make sure they reach their dietary needs and keep them learning," she says.

When it comes to planning out snacks alongside regular meals, Tevis suggests using the division of responsibility concept to avoid overconsumption before mealtime, potentially disrupting regular appetites.

"Parents will decide what the snack is and what time so having a schedule as best as possible--which I know is super hard right now--can help kids so they don't ruin their meals coming up or overeat," says Tevis.

As for what kind of snacks, Tevis says eating should be fun and healthy so try to look for unique and easy ideas that incorporate at least two of the five food groups. One idea: school box sushi which is lunch meat, sliced carrots and cucumbers, and string cheese rolled up like sushi and cut into smaller sizes. Those can be eaten by hand or with chopsticks and are customizable based on your child's favorite foods.

Another popular lunchbox staple that can be turned homemade: Mini Uncrustables. By making them at home, you can customize flavors, use less sugar, whole grains, no hydrogenated oils, and make it budget-friendly.

"These are both things that can be prepped in advance so, especially if you are still working from home or sending those kids off to school, it's something that's not going to take a lot of time," says Tevis. "Make them up in advance, and keep them in the fridge."

For more ideas, click here or head to your local Albertsons.