

Veterans remember 9/11 at Juniper Ranch in Caldwell

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Veterans refer to the Juniper Ranch as the sanctuary because it is a place where veterans of different generations can come together.

Former Marine Stan Meholchick and his wife Jeanie set up two meetings a year where busloads of vets from the Boise VA and the Idaho State Veterans Home come together with other vets and current military service members.

"A very special occasion for both the young guys and the guys that are in the service," said Stan Meholchick.

It also gave veterans a chance to remember the horrific events of September 11, for the younger generation for many it served as a call to action.

"It had a big part in why I decided to join when I got older," said Lacey Waters a former Marine who is now in the Air National Guard, September 11 happened when she was six. "I feel like we owe it to be out there and a lot of people sacrificed a lot of things."

Military members who were on active duty when the attacks happened said it felt like a punch to the gut and that is why it is so important to not forget what happened on that tragic day.

"It is safe to say that there are people out there that don't like or appreciate what America stands for and what makes Americans fight for each and every day," said MSG Philip Horton of the 260 Range Squadron at Mountain Home Air Force Base.

The older veterans expressed anger towards the attack.

The honor guard was provided by American Legion Post 39 out of Middleton.