

Spraying increased after West Nile Virus found in Payette

and last updated

Payette County Mosquito Abatement District officials say they have identified a mosquito pool that has tested positive for the West Nile Virus.

Mosquitoes collected in a trap last Monday during in city of Payette’s Kiwanis Park area have tested positive for West Nile Virus by Payette County's Mosquito Abatement Program, operated by Vector Disease Control International.

“The positive sample consisted of a single pool containing fifty total Culex pipiens mosquitoes,” said Vector Disease Control International Program Co-Manager Nikki Harris.

In response to this finding, the abatement program is increasing mosquito surveillance in the area and continuing to locate and treat larvae infested waters,” she added. “In addition, ground adulticide applications, made via truck-mounted sprayers, will be increased in the town of Payette and surrounding areas. An adulticide barrier has also been applied to the park to help prevent mosquitoes.”

The Payette County Mosquito Abatement Board continues to urge county residents to take all appropriate actions necessary to avoid mosquito bites.