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Roe v. Wade overturned: Idaho's ban to take effect in 30 days, officials react

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BOISE, Idaho — The Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v. Wade Friday, officially triggering Idaho's abortion ban.

Idaho is one of nine states with a trigger law that would make abortions illegal. Idaho's trigger law from 2020 will take effect in 30 days and ban all abortions except in the case of rape or incest or to protect the mother's life. Idaho code states anyone who performs an abortion could face two to five years in prison. Gov. Brad Little signed a law in 2020, including a trigger provision, making abortion a crime for the doctor performing the procedure now that the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe V. Wade.

Gov. Brad Little called the decision the "culmination of pro-life efforts to defend the defenseless" and called on people to come together to support women facing unplanned pregnancies.

"I join many in Idaho and across the country today in welcoming the high court's long awaited decision upholding state sovereignty and protecting preborn lives," Little said in a statement. "The decision provides clarity around landmark cases at the center of passionate debate in our country for nearly five decades. This is now clear – the ‘right’ to an abortion was a judicial creation. Abortion is not a right expressed in the U.S. Constitution, and abortion will be entrusted to the states and their people to regulate."

"However, we fully acknowledge this monumental moment in our country's history means we must confront what know will be growing needs for women and families in the months and years ahead," Little continued in the statement. "We absolutely must come together like never before to support women and teens facing unexpected or unwanted pregnancies. Families, churches, charities, and local and state government must stand ready to lift them up and help them and their families with access to adoption services, healthcare, financial and food assistance, counseling and treatment, and family planning. We are being called to support women and our fellow community members in extraordinary new ways, and I'm confident Idahoans are ready to meet this responsibility with love and compassion."

Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaii, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky officials said the organization will continue to provide abortion care as long as they are legally able and say the ruling will have the most "devastating" consequences on people "who already face the greatest barriers to health care due to this country’s legacy of racism and discrimination."

"Make no mistake - this decision goes beyond abortion. This is about who has power over you, who has the authority to make decisions for you, and who can control your future,” said Jennifer M. Allen, CEO of Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates, in a statement. "This is a dark day for our country, but our fight is far from over. The people of Idaho should know that Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates will always fight for you, and we will not back down. Generations before us have fought tirelessly to gain and protect our rights. Now it’s our turn to pick up the mantle.”

Related: Overturn of Roe v. Wade: What it would mean for Idaho abortion access

More Idaho officials, organizations react to the SCOTUS ruling

Boise Mayor Lauren McLean said she is "infuriated and intensely worried" about the consequences of the decision.

"I am infuriated, & intensely worried. The decision to terminate a pregnancy is deeply personal and private. This decision by the Supreme Court will have devastating consequences on the health, privacy, & economic independence of women throughout our community, state, and nation," she said in a statement posted to Twitter. "It is particularly harmful for women of color & low-income women. No one should have to flee their state to access safe healthcare. I remain steadfast in my support for all people who need access to abortion care & stand with them in fighting for privacy in health care decisions."

U.S. Senator Mike Crapo released a statement celebrating the ruling, saying the decision "upholds" his beliefs.

“My strong commitment to supporting measures that protect the rights of the unborn remains unchanged.  I believe abortion is wrong and should be limited to cases where the mother’s life is in imminent danger," Crapo said in a statement. "The Court’s decision upholds my belief that states should have the ability to protect the right to life."

Idaho Academy of Family Physicians officials said the organization is committed to supporting patient care in light of the end of 50 years of access to abortion care.

"IAFP is deeply concerned about how the recent decision of the US Supreme Court could limit an individual’s ability to make their own reproductive health decisions in consultation with their medical provider," the IAFP said in a statement. "To improve the health of patients, families, and communities, everyone must have access to the full range of health care services."

Idaho House and Senate Democrats called the ruling a "misguided decision" and said it will not end abortions.

"The Supreme Court just made millions of women second-class citizens,” said House Minority Leader Ilana Rubel in a statement. “In reversing 50 years of precedent, the Court has eviscerated the
fundamental Constitutional right to privacy, opening the door to big government to police the intimate details of our personal lives. Unfortunately, Idaho’s GOP politicians have proven
themselves eager to flex this power - in recent years pushing to tell Idahoans what medical care they can seek, who they can love and marry, what books their kids can read and more, and have already taken steps to force women through pregnancy and childbirth against their will as soon as Roe is overturned. Idahoans can count on Idaho Democrats to continue fighting to keep government out of their private lives, and the more seats we win, the more freedom we can deliver."

U.S. Senator Jim Risch said in a statement the Supreme Court took a "major step" with the decision and "the most basic right we as humans have is the right to life."

The Idaho GOP said they celebrated the decision and "unequivocally stands for life."

"Today's historic Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade reaffirms the principle that all life is a precious gift from God and confirms the inalienable rights to 'LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,'" Chairman Tom Luna said in a statement.

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson said the decision affirms the right to protect human life and "is the correct decision."

“With this historic decision, the Supreme Court affirms the right of the states to protect human life," he said in a statement. "This is the correct decision and I’m pleased that the Court has affirmed my longstanding position that Roe v. Wade was incorrectly decided as a political decision and not a legal one. Dobbs rights that wrong and returns the power to enact pro-life legislation to the people and their elected officials. There is no constitutional right to an abortion, and I’m relieved the Court has finally recognized that."

Read the full SCOTUS ruling here: