NewsIdaho Back Roads


Snowplows remove a giant tree from Highway 21 in Idaho snowstorm


IDAHO CITY, Idaho — Road conditions continue to be a problem for drivers as the snow continues to fall here in Idaho.

We were on our way to Idaho City for this week's edition of Idaho Backroads, but we were delayed when we came upon a giant tree that uprooted and fell onto the road blocking Highway 21.

Fortunately, this tree did not fall on anybody and nobody got injured, but it did showcase the efforts of snowplow drivers who work in Idaho's toughest conditions.

After some of us who were blocked removed some of the smaller pieces from this tree the real heroes arrived and a snowplow from the Idaho Transportation Department and Boise County worked together to clear the road.

"Our operation crews truly work year-round and they do some pretty spectacular things to maintain our infrastructure and keep it safe," said Jessica Williams from ITD.

ITD has 550 drivers throughout the state which includes more than 13,000 miles of year, last year ITD estimates their drivers traveled 3.4 million miles.

"We have our crews working 24/7 and that means they are not going home to their families to spend the holidays necessarily like the rest of us our because they are out there making sure the roads are clean and clear and ready for safe travel," said Williams.

Snowplow drivers were able to get Highway 21 opened back up in about 30-45 minutes and it goes to show that when most people hunker down in their warm homes during these storms, the men and women behind the plows are out there working for the rest of us.

“That is their job they go out there and thrive in conditions most of us would steer clear of," said Williams. "We are very grateful for the work that they do and they do a fantastic job for the state of Idaho."

Snowplow drivers told us they have seen five or six downed trees that have fallen because of all the snow adding another hazard drivers need to watch out for when heading into the mountains.

Here is more information on the proper protocols on being out on the roads with the plows so they can do their job and drivers can avoid accidents.