

National study finds Idaho students testing at national average

Posted at 8:43 AM, Apr 10, 2018
and last updated 2018-04-10 11:43:55-04

A report card is out on Idaho students and it finds they're testing in the middle of the pack.

The National Assessment of Educational Progress was released Tuesday, April 10th. It shines a spotlight on how Idaho students compare with kids in other states.

The study tests a small sampling of fourth and eighth graders in reading and math.

The bright spot? Idaho eighth graders tested higher in reading than the national average. In all other areas, Idaho's scores have stayed steady, in line with the majority of other states.

Idaho's top educator says this should dispel some myths.

"Idaho is not last. Idaho is right in the middle," said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Sherri Ybarra.

"This is actually one of the only apples-to-apples comparisons nationally that we have on how our students are doing," Ybarra continued.

The study comes out of the U.S. Department of Education. One score that did see a dip in Idaho was with English language learners.