

Medicaid expansion seekers rally in "fourth quarter game plan" meeting

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The midterm elections are now less than a month away, and supporters of Medicaid expansion in Idaho are rallying with the hopes of getting Proposition 2 passed into law.

"Hundreds of volunteers are going to knock on thousands and thousands of doors, make thousands of phone calls, make sure that everyone knows the importance of voting 'Yes' on Prop. 2 in expanding Medicaid," said Luke Mayville, founder of Reclaim Idaho.

Approximately one hundred people showed up to the Reclaim Idaho headquarters for the meeting on Sunday.

One of the points mentioned: if Prop. 2 is passed, the vast majority of the expansion would be federally funded.

Opponents of the propositions say they would rather see taxpayer money go toward education and roadways.

"I think that our dollars should be spent here locally in Idaho, and I don't think we should borrow all that money that does have to be paid back," said Patrick Malloy, opponent of the measure.