STAR, Idaho — Star Police are looking for information anyone may have regarding 38-year-old Daniel Rowen, arrested last week on felony stalking charges.

According to Star PD, the arrest warrant for Rowen was issued on November 9 for two felony stalking charges stemming from an incident in October where he allegedly followed two girls under the age of 15 around the Eagle Library.
Earlier in October, the Star PD says it received a report that Rowen was seen staring at two young girls as they drove by him, then followed them to their house where he was seen staring into windows later that night.
Additional reports include one incident of Rowen attending a realtor's open house in Star where he was found opening the dresser drawers in a child's room, as well as reports of Rowen being seen standing near elementary and middle school student bus stops.
Rowen is being held in the Ada County Jail on a $100,000 bond for the two felony stalking charges and additional charges are pending.
If you have any additional information that could assist in the investigation, please e-mail