EMMETT, IDAHO — The Emmett School District is transitioning to a four-day week school schedule and will be adjusting pick-up and drop-off times for students.
- The district will be using a new bus system that allows families and staff to see when and where the bus will be on its route.
- For more information on the new bus system, click here.
(Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)
Big changes coming for families of Emmett schools this year! I'm your Emmett neighborhood reporter Alexander Huddleston and I spoke with parents about what they think about students having shorter weeks but longer days.
"The class time is sacred. That has to be there," said Emmett School District Superintendent Craig Woods.
Starting this August, students of Emmett schools will only be in class Mondays through Thursdays due to the district adopting a four-day school schedule, Superintendent Woods said they released the change to the community last spring.

Superintendent Woods continued, "We found that the culture and climate in those buildings improved. The kids came in more rested. More energetic and ready on a Monday. They got a chance to be with their family on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Same with our staff."
But with one less school day during the week, school days will get longer Monday through Thursday.
"For secondary, instead of starting at 7:45 they will start at 7:40, and elementary starts 20 minutes early," explained Superintendent Woods.

Superintendent Woods said that release times will also change slightly. So I went out around town to talk to parents. Many said off-camera that they were on board with the schedule change.
"I agree with it. I think it would work well for the kids and the hours are not really changing that much. My oldest I know is excited to have Fridays off and take time with us and her other family," said Jesse Bautista.
And what about bus schedules? Well, Superintendent Woods told me that the district will be picking up the BusRight app to allow parents to see when and where their child’s bus will be picking them up and dropping them off.

Superintendent Woods added, "They will know as that route is coming, if that bus is running 3 minutes late or if that bus is 3 minutes early they will be like, 'Oh, I have got to go out to the road to get my kids.'"
This app will also help substitute drivers drive the route with ease instead of trying to learn from stop to stop, creating consistency for parents and staff.
Many folks who I spoke with off camera said they hope schools can have some kind of after-school program for families who are unable to be around when their children get out.