

Idaho National Guard departs for Washington D.C. and the presidential inauguration

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BOISE, Idaho — The Idaho National guard departed for Washington D.C. on Friday morning. Around 300 men and women will be in our nation's capital to support the presidential inauguration.

The Idaho National Guard will be part of 25,000 guard members from all over the country to be in Washington.

It's something that happens every inauguration, but not on this scale as the guard members don't really know what to expect.

"Anything can happen, and we are all just trying to watch each other's back and support what's going on over there," said Airman First Class Jayden Sanchez.

The Idaho National Guard will learn more about their mission when they arrive in Washington, D.C.

"You get used to waiting and having to be flexible," said SPC Nathan Hirschi. "Things are going to change. You just have to be ready for that and be ready to execute the mission."

These men and women volunteered for this mission on short notice but finding volunteers wasn't a problem for the Idaho National Guard.

"They are ready, and they are willing," said LT. Thomas Lewis. "We are looking forward to helping support this mission and fulfill the duty that we signed up for."

The Idaho National Guard does have this type of experience, they traveled to Washington, D.C. this past summer.

Now they have another opportunity to represent Idaho, and this opportunity happens to be at a historic moment and a time of uncertainty after the riots at the U.S. Capitol.

"I'm extremely proud to be here and serve the state of Idaho," said Sanchez. "I think it is awesome to be surrounded by people with the same mindset, it is inspiring and I think we are just trying to get in the mindset to be ready."

The Idaho National Guard will continue other missions here at home, including helping out on the COVID-19 front.