

Idaho adds 188 new COVID-19 cases, 6 deaths; test positivity rate dips slightly

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This article was originally published by Ian Max Stevenson in the Idaho Statesman.

The daily average caseload in Idaho continued to hover in the 160s on Thursday, with the state adding 188 new COVID-19 infections, according to updated data from the Department of Health and Welfare.

The seven-day moving average of cases was 166.4, up from 160.9 the day before. Since early May, the daily average case load has not been above 200 or below about 155.

The state’s test positivity rate, which shows what percentage of tests come back positive for the coronavirus, fell to 4.3% for the week of May 9. The rate was 4.4% the week of May 2.

In total, the state has tested 726,565 people, including 1,084 added on Thursday. The state reports that providers have conducted 1,325,479 PCR tests — which detect the virus’s genetic material — since last March.

Idaho also recorded six COVID-related deaths on Thursday,in Ada (1 new, 470 total), Bingham (2 new, 76 total), Bonneville (1 new, 169 total), Boundary (1 new, 11 total) and Jefferson (1 new, 30 total) counties.

According to updated demographic data, one of the individuals who died was older than 80, three were in their 70s, one was in their 60s and one was in their 50s. The individual who died in Bonneville County was a man in his 70s, and the individual who died in Jefferson County was also a man in his 70s, according to Eastern Idaho Public Health.

The counties adding new cases on Thursday were: Ada (50 new, 52,519 total), Bannock (8 new, 8,800 total), Bingham (2 new, 4,840 total), Boise (2 new, 363 total), Bonner (13 new, 3,279 total), Bonneville (5 new, 14,932 total), Canyon (28 new, 26,962 total), Clearwater (4 new, 1,056 total), Elmore (3 new, 2,045 total), Franklin (1 new, 1,194 total), Gem (1 new, 1,790 total), Gooding (1 new, 1,317 total), Idaho (4 new, 1,246 total), Jefferson (2 new, 3,011 total), Jerome (1 new, 2,614 total), Kootenai (35 new, 18,342 total), Latah (1 new, 3,182 total), Madison (7 new, 7,238 total), Nez Perce (3 new, 3,653 total), Owyhee (5 new, 1,075 total), Shoshone (2 new, 1,129 total), Twin Falls (8 new, 9,604 total), Valley (2 new, 843 total).

Idaho’s total caseload since March 2020 now sits at 190,900.


Vaccine doses administered in Idaho: 1,180,785, according to Health and Welfare. Of those, 570,180 people have been fully vaccinated.

Overall hospitalizations: Health and Welfare reports that there have been 8,326 hospitalizations of people with COVID-19, 1,407 admissions to the ICU and 10,658 health care workers infected. Hospital and health care numbers are based on cases with completed investigations into contacts, not the full number of positives.

St. Luke’s Health System: As of May 19, the health system was reporting 27 patients in its hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 out of 525 patients overall. The health system reported a 14-day coronavirus test positivity rate of 4%.

Saint Alphonsus Health System: As of May 19, the health system was reporting 25 patients in its hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 out of 384 patients overall. The health system reported a 14-day coronavirus test positivity rate of 6%.

Boise School District: Reported confirmed cases since May 11: Boise High (1), Borah High (1), Capital High (2), District Services Center/Food Services/Facilities and Operations/Transportation (1), East Jr. High (2), Fairmont Jr. High (2), Garfield Elementary (2), Hillcrest Elementary (1), Hillside Jr. High (2), Riverglen Jr. High (2), Shadow Hills Elementary (1), West Jr. High (1), Whitney Elementary (2).

West Ada School District: Reported confirmed cases for May 7-May 20: Centennial High (2), Meridian High (1), Mountain View High (1), Rocky Mountain High (1), Star Middle (1), Willow Creek Elementary (1).

Total COVID-19 cases by county (confirmed + probable): Ada 52,519, Adams 341, Bannock 8,800, Bear Lake 386, Benewah 688, Bingham 4,840, Blaine 2,380, Boise 363, Bonner 3,279, Bonneville 14,932, Boundary 871, Butte 210, Camas 72, Canyon 26,962, Caribou 697, Cassia 2,946, Clark 59, Clearwater 1,056, Custer 253, Elmore 2,045, Franklin 1,194, Fremont 1,133, Gem 1,790, Gooding 1,317, Idaho 1,246, Jefferson 3,011, Jerome 2,614, Kootenai 18,342, Latah 3,182, Lemhi 529, Lewis 405, Lincoln 511, Madison 7,238, Minidoka 2,342, Nez Perce 3,653, Oneida 362, Owyhee 1,075, Payette 2,576, Power 655, Shoshone 1,129, Teton 1,225, Twin Falls 9,604, Valley 843, Washington 1,225.