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Wellness Wednesday: Creating a healthy Mother's Day brunch

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IDAHO — Mother's Day is Sunday, and if you need some ideas on how to treat mom, we've got just the thing.

Albertsons Dietitian Molly Tevis says May is the perfect time to take advantage of fresh berries coming into season.

"It's also National Strawberry Month," says Tevis. "Strawberries are full of antioxidants and wonderful plant compounds. Plus, they're an excellent source of vitamin C, and a lot of times we get fearful of fruit, but berries are actually a great fruit because they're lower on the glycemic index. Strawberries, specifically, have less than eight grams of carbs per serving."

Berries in general also serve as a way to get more fiber into your diet. Strawberries come with high water content as well, helping to quench your thirst and provide antioxidants to fight free radicals and oxidative stress.

Tevis says one way to incorporate strawberries is to use them as part of a creative waffle bar this Mother's Day.

"Pick out your favorite fruits, have some eggs, some waffles, some sausage. It's beautiful so present her with it so she doesn't have to do the cooking."

For more ideas on how to put together your waffle bar, click here. Tevis also suggests using frozen strawberries and frozen banana slices to create a Strawberry "Nice" Cream.