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Regence BlueShield of Idaho discusses returning to work safely

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BOISE — The final stage of reopening begins Saturday. Employers and employees prepare to return to work.

"Employers can resume unrestricted staffing but continue to practice physical distancing and sanitation," said Governor Brad Little at Thursday's press conference.

Questions still linger about what that will look like for each business. Regence BlueShield of Idaho hosted a webinar on returning to work topics. One is what steps to take if an employee tests positive for COVID-19.

"We would want that individual to be home isolation away from others, and assure that they're no longer having symptoms for at least ten days, from the beginning of the symptoms and at least three days of no temperature," said executive medical director Dr. Amy Khan.

They also provided tips for employers and employees to get back to work safely and ease specific anxieties.

The big tip is employers need to be flexible, especially since some employees are more vulnerable due to health conditions.

"Maybe there's an opportunity for telework, or really inviting folks to continue to use zoom meetings," said Khan.

Social distancing remains crucial. US Secretary of Health and Human Services Mike Leavitt says to treat it like the only medicine we have so far for the virus.

"I think it's valuable to think of social distancing as a medical intervention," said Leavitt,

"medicine has side effects."

Despite those side effects, Regence reminds us that returning to work and the other aspects of our previous routines are all about balance.

"Hopefully, we'll have a vaccine in the next year or two, but know that we've got to continue to thrive and have fulfilling lives and be successful in our businesses," said Khan.