

Gov. Otter calls guidelines "unacceptable"

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Idaho Governor “Butch” Otter Friday denounced the new federal guidelines mandating local school districts adhere to specific bathroom and locker room protocols for transgender individuals.

In a released statement, Otter said, “This vast overreach by the Obama administration once again shows the federal government’s disregard for states’ rights and local control of our schools.”

“The federal ‘guidance’ dictates solutions to very personal and sensitive matters that should be left to local school administrators, school boards, teachers, parents, students and communities. This action creates needless concern and confusion for students, parents and educators. Threatening to withhold federal Title IX funding for failure to comply with this offensive attempt at social engineering only harms our children. It is unwarranted, unprecedented, and unacceptable,” he said.

“We will explore every available option to ensure that the rights of all Idaho students are protected and that the citizens of Idaho maintain authority over our public education system,” the Governor added. “I do not believe this Washington, D.C. power play will withstand the legal challenges that are sure to come.”