BOISE, Idaho — Former Boise City Councilmember Lisa Sánchez's spending of campaign funds is under review by the Ada County Clerk's office after a complaint was filed on January 25. The complaint was filed by the Idaho Freedom Foundation.
"We did receive a L-5 last week from the Idaho Freedom Foundation against Lisa Sanchez and we are in the process of reviewing the filing and will be reaching out to the candidate for more information," said Ada County Clerk, Trent Tripple.
First reported by the Idaho Press, Sánchez spent over a quarter of annual campaign finance expenses on food.
Over the course of 2022, Sánchez spent over $14,000. Sánchez spent far more than any of her colleagues on the city council. Over $11,000 separate Sánchez and the next big spender on the council.

For 2022, Luci Willits spent over $3,000 mostly on polling and giving to Lt. Governor Scott Bedke's campaign.
Holli Woodings spent nearly $3,000 mostly on Idaho Democratic Fundraisers last year.
Jimmy Hallyburton spent just $18 of campaign funds over the course of 2022.
Both Elaine Clegg and Patrick Bageant did not spend any campaign funds last year.
In January, elected officials across Idaho turned in their campaign financial disclosure report for 2022 to the Idaho Secretary of State's office.
Below is Lisa Sánchez's campaign financial disclosure report for 2022, with campaign spending beginning on page 10.
Campaign finance records are available to the public on the state's campaign finance portal.