

Financial Fitness: Saving money on summer energy bills

The average American is spending about $137 each month on their energy bill, according to the Energy Information Administration.
Posted at 3:26 PM, Jun 29, 2023
and last updated 2023-06-29 17:26:24-04

BOISE, Idaho — Household costs have been going up, and that’s forcing many families to tighten their belts financially.

Right now - the average American is spending about $137 each month on their energy bill, according to the Energy Information Administration.

Financial experts say cutting costs may be easier than you think. You can start by downloading a personal finance app to see where you spend money and where you need to save.

Next, fix any leaky ductwork on your air conditioning system and check the seal on your windows and doors to make sure you're not "air conditioning the neighborhood" as your dad probably told you as a kid.

In fact, when it comes to your heating and cooling bills, the Department of Energy estimates you can save 10% a year on heating and cooling by turning your thermostat back 7 to 10 degrees for eight hours a day.

Also, consider upgrading to a smart thermostat; that can save you an average of 10% on heating and 15% on cooling bills, which can add up to big savings year-round.

As for lowering your water bill, consider faster showers, using aerators and low-flow showerheads, and if you have a dishwasher, stop pre-washing dishes. And for additional summer savings, ditch the dryer and use a clothesline outside.

Idaho Power also suggests doing laundry and running the dishwasher in the early morning and late evening hours to avoid adding heat to your home in the warmest part of the day, and installing an attic fan to draw hot air out of the house.