
Eclipse baby born under rare circumstances in Caldwell

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When a Treasure Valley family decided to have their fourth baby, they knew it would be their last so naturally, they knew it would be special. They could never have imagined just how special her birth would turn out to be. 

Elena Garcia was due to bring her bundle of joy into the world on September 9th, so when labor began early Monday morning she said she was in shock.

She even said she wasn't sure she was ready to have her today.

But baby Ali as they would name her couldn't wait. As the moon inched closer and closer to covering the sun, Ali was getting closer and closer to being in her parent's arms. 

"The doctors were making jokes that we should wait ten more minutes. It was around 10 o'clock. They were just making a joke out of it and it turns out she was born a minute before," explained proud parent Zechiel Gonzalez. 

As if being born just one minute before the start of the total solar eclipse isn't rare enough, something else happened to Ali that only happens once in a blue moon- or solar eclipse in this case.

Ali was born in her amniotic sac. 

"When I went to take a picture, it popped and went over her head," explained Gonzalez.

The phenomenon is called being born with a "caul" and only happens once out of every 80,000 births. In many cultures when this happens they consider the child to be destined for greatness. 

To commemorate the event, the West Valley Volunteer Auxiliary presented the new parents with a gift basket full of moon and star themed baby goods. 

While she has only been in the world for a short period of time, baby Ali has brought so much light to her parent's lives, even though she came into the world just as much of the world was headed into total darkness.