

Crow management plan in Nampa prepares to chase away upcoming crow invasion

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The City of Nampa is preparing for the crow invasion that happens around this time every year, crows can cause a public safety hazard but more than anything the crows can be a nuisance.

That is why several volunteers have teamed up with city officials and students from Boise State University in an effort to be ready to chase the crows away so they don't roost in Nampa.

However, it is a tricky situation because the crows are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the city can kill crows if a big enough concentration causes a serious public safety hazard, but the crow management plan calls for non-lethal deterrents.

"Since they are protected we just want to do it as humanely as possible," said Beverly Taylor from the Ruth Melichar Bird Center. "I think that stands in line with what the community would think too."

The committee that has met once a month for the last seven months and they've put together a kit of non-lethal deterrents like lasers, grape misters and noisemakers that have worked in the past.

However, the group is also looking to come up with new ideas and one of those will include flying a drone thanks to the Nampa Police Department to see if that is a technique that could work in relocating the crows.

"They are more than a nuisance," said Charlie Justus of the Idaho Fish & Game. "It's bringing folks together to try and fix a problem and to look at it in a bigger way to see if we can come up with something that helps the next community."

Mayor Debbie Kling also stopped by the meeting to say thank you to the Boise State students and the volunteers.

The crows usually make their way to Nampa by now, however, because of the mild temperatures of the last month the crow committee believes the crows have been delayed, but they could be in Nampa soon.

If you are interested in helping out with the crow management plan the city is always looking for more volunteers.