EAGLE, IDAHO — For the last week, volunteers and city landscapers have been working hard to keep Eagle green. Friday afternoon community members gathered to commemorate the hard work.
- Two of the state's largest trees reside right in Eagle.
- The city and volunteers planted 1,250 new trees across Eagle this year.
- The ceremony was held at IQ Pet Dog Park where they planted two new Honey Locusts.
(Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)

This London Plane tree has a circumference of 184 inches and is about 101 feet tall. This English Oak is 177 inches around and approximately 92 feet tall, and they are two of the largest trees in the state, right here in Eagle. I'm your Eagle neighborhood reporter Alexander Huddleston and I met up with community members at IQ Pet dog park as they celebrated Arbor Day.
Boise is the City of Trees, so bringing that out to Eagle is such an important community resource. It's great to see.
Friday afternoon, the city of Eagle held their Arbor Day ceremony to commemorate all of the volunteer work done during the week to help make Eagle a little more green. One milestone this year? Over 1,200 new trees were planted across the city.

A few community members including some Girl Scouts of Troop 746 had the honor of tossing soil on two new Honey Locusts planted in the dog park. I talked with the girls about some of the positives that come from planting new trees.
One scout said, "When you plant trees it helps the world stay in place. Like when it rains it doesn't cause a flood or anything, or landslides." Another added, "Good for habitats." "Trees make good air for us to breathe," finished another.
But with the trees working so hard for us, Ty DeVore and Decker Blades explained that this day is when we return the favor.

Blades exclaimed, "Because there is not a whole lot of people who are willing to do it. So if we don't do it, who will?"
"We want to be super proud of the community we live in. I'm pretty sure we all live here for the foothills, the greenbelt, the river, the mountains, and everything, but we all got to take care of it too," explained DeVore.
Talking with a few people who showed up they said that hopefully one day one of the trees they planted this year can also become one of the largest in Idaho.